Technical assistance for the implementation and operation of a radar system for bird collision risk management
Israel, Golan heights - 2021 - 2024
Commisionned by: Enlight Renewable Energy
The Israeli vulture populations are critically endangered, so there are strict conditions in licensing wind farms in areas where vulture presence is regular. We have implemented a Vulture Surveillance and Active Turbine Management system, aiming at providing a very efficient detection of vultures and the operation of temporary turbine shutdown to avoid the mortality of birds entering the wind farm. This bird collision risk mitigation system aims to protect a resident populationof Griffon and Egyptian vulture in the Golan Heights.
The Genesis project solution consisted of Birdtrack SS-X25 Series Radar Systems mounted on mobile kits for greater siting flexibility required during the pre-operation period. The solution is designed to enable using the key components in fixed-station configuration as well as mounted in mobile units when required. We also produced a training program directed at ornithologists and radar operators who will operate the Birdtrack system.
This is the first time that a radar assisted shutdown on demand protocol will be applied in Israel. The inovative Birdtrack technology aims for zero mortality of the target vulture species from collions with turbines.